Thursday, May 26, 2016

Class of 2016 Graduation

ANGLETON, TEXAS – May 11, 2016.   At its regular chapter meeting held today at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 18 members of the Texas Master Naturalist Cradle of Texas Chapter's Intern Training Class of 2016 graduated and were certified as Texas Master Naturalists. Each graduate received a Certificate, a Texas Master Naturalist Polo Shirt, and an engraved nametag.

During the intern training program the interns were divided into four independent-study teams. Three teams presented reports at today's meeting.
Photos by Richard Schaffhausen and Neal McLain

The TMN-COT Intern Class of 2016

Brazoria National Wildlife Team
Larry Ruhr, Oron Atkins, Jackie Hicks, Judy Green, Carolyn May-Monie

Camp Mohawk County Park Team
Karen Leder, Jo Myers, Kristine Rivers, Lisa Myers, Herb Myers, Carolyn May-Monie

Quintana Beach County Park Team
Chip Sweet, Caylie Harris, Carolyn May-Monie, Jimmy Salinas

 Nash Prairie Preserve Team
Clockwise from left: Susan Conaty (mentor), Larry Peterson (Team Leader),
Chris Kneupper (Mentor) , Suzie Safley, Melba Beken

Team project powerpoint Presentation

Thanks to the Intern Training Coordinators and assistants!
Roy Morgan, Howard Allen, Melba Beken, Becky McClendon
Carolyn May-Monie, Joycelyn Grigson, Lisa Myers

Karen Leder

The Cake


Serving line

 Candace Novak, Robert Salzer, Chip Sweet

Larry Ruhr, Melba Beken, Marshana Gill, Jo Myers

Cindy Goodrum Garry Ellis, Janet Jackson-Ellis

Roy Morgan, Don Sabathier

Ruby Lewis, Phil Huxford

Sherry Summers, Carole Wenny

Jerry Krampota, Robert Salzer

Bryan Frazier

Jim Calvert

Herb Myers, Jo Myers

Lisa Myers, Karen Leder

Richard Schaffhausen, Jeanne Manry

Jackie Hicks, Ed Barrios

Roy Morgan, Joan Simonsen

Larry Kriby, Roy Morgan, Connie Stoltie, Joan Simonsen

The Crock-pot cook-off winners
Pam West (Chapter Host), Anna King, Candace Novak, Linda Sluis

Richard Schaffhausen, Jerry Krampota, Mary Helen Israel

Mike Bettorf, Jim Calvert

Garry Ellis, Mel McKey

Jackie Hicks, Oron Atkins

Ed Johnson, Ruby Lewis

Chris Kneupper, Lou Golish

Sherry Summers, Becky Duke

Kristine Rivers, Chip Sweet

Janet Jackson-Ellis, Garry Ellis

Larry Ruhr, Candace Novak

Peggy Romfh, Mel McKey

Michelle Hague, Mickey Dufilho

Joycelynn Grigson, Phil Huxford

Caolyn May-Monie, Roy Morgan

Suzie Safley, Lisa Myers, Melba Beken

Kristine Rivers, Jimmy Salinas, Carolyn May-Monie

Kristine Rivers, Larry Rhuh
Kristine and Larry were elected to serve as Intern Representatives for the Board of Directors