ANGLETON, TEXAS – May 11, 2016. At its regular chapter meeting
held today at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 18
members of the Texas Master Naturalist Cradle of Texas Chapter's Intern
Training Class of 2016 graduated and were certified as Texas Master
Naturalists. Each graduate received a Certificate, a Texas Master
Naturalist Polo Shirt, and an engraved nametag.
During the intern training program the interns were divided into four
independent-study teams. Three teams presented reports at today's meeting.
Photos by Richard Schaffhausen and Neal McLain
The TMN-COT Intern Class of 2016 |
Brazoria National Wildlife Team
Larry Ruhr, Oron Atkins, Jackie Hicks, Judy Green, Carolyn May-Monie |
Camp Mohawk County Park Team
Karen Leder, Jo Myers, Kristine Rivers, Lisa Myers, Herb Myers, Carolyn May-Monie |
Quintana Beach County Park Team
Chip Sweet, Caylie Harris, Carolyn May-Monie, Jimmy Salinas |

Nash Prairie Preserve Team Clockwise from left: Susan Conaty (mentor), Larry Peterson (Team Leader), Chris Kneupper (Mentor) , Suzie Safley, Melba Beken
Thanks to the Intern Training Coordinators and assistants!
Roy Morgan, Howard Allen, Melba Beken, Becky McClendon
Carolyn May-Monie, Joycelyn Grigson, Lisa Myers |
Karen Leder |
The Cake |
Cookies |
Serving line |
Candace Novak, Robert Salzer, Chip Sweet |
Larry Ruhr, Melba Beken, Marshana Gill, Jo Myers |
Cindy Goodrum Garry Ellis, Janet Jackson-Ellis |
Roy Morgan, Don Sabathier |
Ruby Lewis, Phil Huxford |
Sherry Summers, Carole Wenny |
Jerry Krampota, Robert Salzer |
Bryan Frazier |
Jim Calvert |
Herb Myers, Jo Myers |
Lisa Myers, Karen Leder |
Richard Schaffhausen, Jeanne Manry |
Jackie Hicks, Ed Barrios |
Roy Morgan, Joan Simonsen |
Larry Kriby, Roy Morgan, Connie Stoltie, Joan Simonsen |
The Crock-pot cook-off winners
Pam West (Chapter Host), Anna King, Candace Novak, Linda Sluis |
Richard Schaffhausen, Jerry Krampota, Mary Helen Israel |
Mike Bettorf, Jim Calvert |
Garry Ellis, Mel McKey |
Jackie Hicks, Oron Atkins |
Ed Johnson, Ruby Lewis |
Chris Kneupper, Lou Golish |
Sherry Summers, Becky Duke |
Kristine Rivers, Chip Sweet |
Janet Jackson-Ellis, Garry Ellis |
Larry Ruhr, Candace Novak |
Peggy Romfh, Mel McKey |
Michelle Hague, Mickey Dufilho |
Joycelynn Grigson, Phil Huxford |
Caolyn May-Monie, Roy Morgan |
Suzie Safley, Lisa Myers, Melba Beken |
Kristine Rivers, Jimmy Salinas, Carolyn May-Monie |
Kristine Rivers, Larry Rhuh
Kristine and Larry were elected to serve as Intern Representatives for the Board of Directors |